1967' Mercedes-Benz W114 photo #1
1967' Mercedes-Benz W114 photo #2
1967' Mercedes-Benz W114 photo #3
1967' Mercedes-Benz W114 photo #4
1967' Mercedes-Benz W114 photo #5
1967' Mercedes-Benz W114 photo #6
6 photos

1967' Mercedes-Benz W114

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Published 25 April 2023
Updated 1 June 2024
ID: RXd37u

Information from the owner

Body: Sedan
Age: 57 years
Mileage: 121475 km
Displacement: 2496 cc
Fuel: Petrol
Transmission: Automatic
Exterior color: Grey

Seller's comments about 1967' Mercedes-Benz W114

Ladies and Gentlemen.
I present a unique offer of a unique Mercedes w114 model
The uniqueness of this car is evidenced by the fact that it is a model produced in 1967 before the official world premiere in January 1968.
According to the information collected, it is one of several copies delivered to Austria and stored until the day of the world premiere.
In addition, for nearly 14 years I was able to confirm that it is one of the few left in the world produced in 1967.
Another very important asset proving the uniqueness of this car is that it belonged from new to a well-known Austrian businessman about whom I can tell during a conversation or inspection.
The car was purchased on the day of its world premiere on January 9, 1968 and belongs to the group of several vehicles whose customer could not configure the equipment or color.
A characteristic specification is the upholstery of the seats and unique factory-made headrests sought after by users around the world.
INTERESTING FACT: The last auction ended with a sale on eBay, the value of which was over PLN 3,200 for 1 headrest.
The vehicle was used until May 1991 and after the death of the owner it remained in the home garage.
It has been in my hands since 2009.
Despite its uniqueness, it needs refinement - I would prefer to provide a detailed description of the scope of work over the phone or during an on-site inspection.
I invite you to contact me

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