1958' Austin A35 photo #1
1958' Austin A35 photo #2
1958' Austin A35 photo #3
1958' Austin A35 photo #4
1958' Austin A35 photo #5
1958' Austin A35 photo #6
6 photos

1958' Austin A35

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Published 14 May 2022ID: FJ1zU2
2 years, 7 months ago

Information from the owner

Age: 64 years

Seller's comments about 1958' Austin A35

Work in progress.
Purchased in 2017 for £3100 and should be in regular use but personal health prevents that so new home needed and priced accordingly.
Solid underneath.
A posts and door skins subsequently done but not yet sprayed.
Some additional paintwork around grille and rear lights
Has replacement fuel tank pump, stainless steel exhaust, springs, hangers, shock absorbers, master cylinder, slave cylinders and electronic ignition.
Numerous maintenance bills and starts first time.

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