1960' Austin A40 photo #1
1960' Austin A40 photo #2
1960' Austin A40 photo #3
1960' Austin A40 photo #4
1960' Austin A40 photo #5
1960' Austin A40 photo #6
6 photos

1960' Austin A40

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Published 3 August 2023ID: mLUjmh
1 year, 4 months ago

Information from the owner

Age: 63 years
Exterior color: Grey

Seller's comments about 1960' Austin A40

Recent body restoration and re-spray of grey paint to high standard including fine engine bay, much recent work including water pump, brakes, window rubbers, tyres, carpets, battery etc, starts easily and runs well, possible low mileage. Comes with V5 showing only 2 previous owners, recent bills, and many old booklets and diaries containing a log of some of the past expenditure. Sure to please.

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