1958' Austin-Healey Sprite photo #1
1958' Austin-Healey Sprite photo #2
1958' Austin-Healey Sprite photo #3
1958' Austin-Healey Sprite photo #4
1958' Austin-Healey Sprite photo #5
5 photos

1958' Austin-Healey Sprite

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Published 14 March 2022ID: 5zey4d
2 years, 11 months ago

Information from the owner

Age: 64 years

Seller's comments about 1958' Austin-Healey Sprite

Built July 1958, in the late ‘90s underwent some renovation and was fitted with an Oselli 1430 spec engine built in 1986, also fitted was a T50 5 speed box. Over the years there has been other work and there is an extensive folder of receipts and documents. My late father brought the car in 2018 and has passed it on to me, the car is in all round good condition and really needs to find a good home, with someone who knows how to and can look after such a classic car. I have many photos and videos of the car available on request.

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