Let’s talk about American Muscle! The Corvette – now in its 8th generation – but oh, the first generations remain irresistible. The C2 Stingray? That was the heartthrob of the class, always with the prettiest girl by its side. American innovation? Absolutely! With the C2, it wasn’t just about raw engine performance. The hidden headlights and independent rear suspension were groundbreaking at the time. And this example… This one undoubtedly belongs on the wall of many a boy’s room. Delivered in 1964 in the Sunshine State, Florida, cherished by only two American owners. In 2008, it found its way to a German collector, who has lovingly kept this Corvette in top shape. The purchase was no accident: he specifically chose this American example for its excellent condition, making the import to the EU more than worthwhile. In the past few years, he has invested over €20, 000 to keep the car in prime condition. And it gets even better: this C2 comes with both a softtop and hardtop – a complete full set, as they say. All invoices and documents are present and neatly kept. Are you ready to get behind the wheel of this American legend? Contact us, and we’ll gladly discuss the details!Chevrolet Corvette 5. 4 Convertible – Hardtop 365 HP, V8 power, and a removable hardtop for the perfect mix of speed, style, and open-air freedom!