1960' DKW Munga photo #1
1960' DKW Munga photo #2
1960' DKW Munga photo #3
1960' DKW Munga photo #4
4 photos

1960' DKW Munga

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Published 26 August 2021ID: YgsdfN
3 years, 3 months ago

Information from the owner

Body: Off-road
Age: 61 years

Seller's comments about 1960' DKW Munga

For sale project jeep dkw munga (auto union)
see photos
car is complet

900 cc 3 cylinder 2 stroke jeep that climbs walls. The predecessor to the audi, dkw was one of the greatest motorcycle producers in the world parts are plentiful from many sources, and indeed the quality and performance are excellent.
the dkw munga was a dkw-branded off-road vehicle built by auto-union in ingolstadt, germany. The name munga comes from the german phrase mehrzweck universal geländewagen mit allradantrieb, which translates as “multi-purpose universal cross-country car with all-wheel drive”

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