1970' Gaz 69 photo #1
1970' Gaz 69 photo #2
1970' Gaz 69 photo #3
1970' Gaz 69 photo #4
1970' Gaz 69 photo #5
5 photos

1970' Gaz 69

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Published 9 January 2024ID: mBGW56
11 months, 1 week ago

Information from the owner

Age: 54 years
Mileage: 35589 km
Displacement: 2430 cc
Transmission: Manual
Exterior color: Green

Seller's comments about 1970' Gaz 69

I have a GAZ 69 4x4 car for sale
A car from the times when there were only off-road vehicles.
Engine from Żuk.
After a comprehensive sheet metal renovation.
Needs some pampering.
Nice appearance, arouses interest on the road.
Possible change

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