1971' Gaz 69 photo #1
1971' Gaz 69 photo #2
1971' Gaz 69 photo #3
1971' Gaz 69 photo #4
1971' Gaz 69 photo #5
1971' Gaz 69 photo #6
6 photos

1971' Gaz 69

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Published 12 June 2023ID: ayjIYR
1 year, 6 months ago

Information from the owner

Body: Convertible
Age: 52 years
Mileage: 11089 km
Displacement: 2500 cc
Fuel: Petrol
Transmission: Manual

Seller's comments about 1971' Gaz 69

I will sell a fully functional, well-kept GAZ 69 from 1971 with its full documentation.
This copy is a real gem for automotive enthusiasts. The car has been in the hands of the same owner since it was bought from a military unit in the early 90's (full documentation of the vehicle handover available). During this period, the car was regularly serviced and used for hobby purposes. The vehicle is equipped with original parts, except for the tarpaulin frame added later (it can be easily dismantled without damaging the vehicle structure).
* vehicle with a current technical inspection and insurance
* 2.5L low valve engine
* original parts and mileage (11,089 KM)

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