1968' Gaz Volga 21 photo #1
1968' Gaz Volga 21 photo #2
1968' Gaz Volga 21 photo #3
1968' Gaz Volga 21 photo #4
1968' Gaz Volga 21 photo #5
1968' Gaz Volga 21 photo #6
6 photos

1968' Gaz Volga 21

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Published 3 October 2022ID: UqXySN
2 years, 2 months ago

Information from the owner

Age: 54 years

Seller's comments about 1968' Gaz Volga 21

Hello, i have gaz21, volga21, 1968 for sale, the car is registered in poland. It is renovated and has 85% of the original parts - it is possible to register it as a historic car based on an expert opinion. The general condition of the car is very good, everything works, i invite you to inspect it by prior telephone appointment. The car can be seen in b?onie 20 km from warsaw.

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