1969' Jaguar 240 photo #1
1969' Jaguar 240 photo #2
1969' Jaguar 240 photo #3
1969' Jaguar 240 photo #4
1969' Jaguar 240 photo #5
1969' Jaguar 240 photo #6
6 photos

1969' Jaguar 240

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Published 4 December 2022ID: NEykfw
2 years ago

Information from the owner

Body: Limousine
Age: 53 years
Mileage: 109000 km
Fuel: Petrol
Transmission: Manual

Seller's comments about 1969' Jaguar 240

Jaguar 240 year 1969 for sale! The vintage car comes from a well-maintained vintage car collection and has been moved regularly in recent years. The car is in very good condition and is still registered.
Inspection and test drive possible by appointment.

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