1975' Jeep CJ-6 photo #1
1975' Jeep CJ-6 photo #2
1975' Jeep CJ-6 photo #3
1975' Jeep CJ-6 photo #4
1975' Jeep CJ-6 photo #5
1975' Jeep CJ-6 photo #6
6 photos

1975' Jeep CJ-6

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Published 3 May 2023ID: IprSmo
1 year, 7 months ago

Information from the owner

Age: 48 years
Mileage: 29085 km
Displacement: 3500 cc
Exterior color: Beige

Seller's comments about 1975' Jeep CJ-6

If you are looking for a true 1975 CLASSIC, with a lot of POWER on 4 WHEELS!! Very spacious and PERFECT for weekend getaways! Cars like this can only be found here at Maxauto! Book your Test Drive now!
In cash, add administrative expenses in the amount of € 275
* Consult us to find out more about test drives and home deliveries *

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