1955' Jeep M38A1 photo #1
1955' Jeep M38A1 photo #2
1955' Jeep M38A1 photo #3
1955' Jeep M38A1 photo #4
1955' Jeep M38A1 photo #5
5 photos

1955' Jeep M38A1

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Published 28 December 2021ID: 4cZFto
2 years, 11 months ago

Information from the owner

Age: 66 years
Fuel: Petrol
Transmission: Manual

Seller's comments about 1955' Jeep M38A1

Jeep M38A1
- Acquired by the Greek army in 2004- Body largely rust-free, repaired and painted- The entire technology (engine, gearbox, axles, brakes, electrics) still needs to be revised

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