1970' MG MGB photo #1
1970' MG MGB photo #2
1970' MG MGB photo #3
1970' MG MGB photo #4
4 photos

1970' MG MGB

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Published 20 February 2018ID: FXIaYW
6 years, 10 months ago

Information from the owner

Age: 48 years
Exterior color: Red

Seller's comments about 1970' MG MGB

Owned for past 34 years. Garaged for most of this and constantly for last 25 years. Very good condition and really honest little car. Only covered a few hundred miles in last 10 years - mainly to MOT's and back, so time to let someone else take over and hopefully use more often. Drove recently for first time in a while and noticed that speedo works but tacho didn't turn. I'm sure this is a result of lack of use. Replacement head fitted about 4 years ago, but nothing else major in recent years. Body work all very good. Red paint is a little faded on some panels but all chrome in good order and wire wheels are all very good. Hood very good also. Overdrive fitted and seems to be working OK.

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