1949' MG TF photo #1
1949' MG TF photo #2
1949' MG TF photo #3
3 photos

1949' MG TF

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Published 9 August 2023ID: wpXGrU
1 year, 4 months ago

Information from the owner

Body: Convertible
Age: 74 years
Mileage: 14000 km
Displacement: 1100 cc
Exterior color: Beige

Seller's comments about 1949' MG TF

FLAWLESS CONDITION, much better than when it left the production line, renovated from A to Z, all original and proven by MG UK itself; the only one in Portugal and 13 around the world to circulate with left-hand drive ::,
only 800 left and right units were made,
can be seen in SINTRA
We don't use it!!!
maybe go to a lover of this type of classic ROADSTER

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