1955' MG TF photo #1
1955' MG TF photo #2
1955' MG TF photo #3
1955' MG TF photo #4
1955' MG TF photo #5
5 photos

1955' MG TF

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Published 2 June 2017ID: tvTUhz
7 years, 6 months ago

Information from the owner

Age: 62 years

Seller's comments about 1955' MG TF

The wonderful MG TF is now widely regarded as the most graceful and desirable of all the T-Series MG’s. Better brakes, improved interior and a more powerful engine make the TF a safer and more enjoyable drive that it’s predecessors, even on today’s roads. Just sitting behind the wheel and looking from the octagonal dials down the long bonnet and over those beautifully sculptured wings, takes you back to a time of endless summers and real driving pleasure. The TF is the perfect way to enjoy classic touring in South Devon and the West Country. Don’t forget to bring you hat, scarf a goggles – Tally Ho!

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