1975' Peugeot 204 photo #1
1975' Peugeot 204 photo #2
1975' Peugeot 204 photo #3
1975' Peugeot 204 photo #4
1975' Peugeot 204 photo #5
5 photos

1975' Peugeot 204

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Published 20 April 2023ID: Givj4m
1 year, 8 months ago

Information from the owner

Age: 48 years
Mileage: 59000 km
Displacement: 1130 cc
Exterior color: Blue

Seller's comments about 1975' Peugeot 204

garage car
In good condition, highly esteemed.
Original color and original parts.
The time has come to give it a new owner.
Has a sunroof
A classic to enjoy
The inner seats have a protective cover which is damaged but the seat upholstery is protected which is the most important thing. That's why I didn't even take the cover off.
Car of an immigrant relative, previous owner and, therefore, he brought the car to Portugal when he returned. Hence the car was imported.

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