1976 Porsche 912 design based on the 930 We offer it in a package with a second Porsche 912 from 1969 50,000 euros for 2. If one is sold, the higher price is negotiable. photos of a 1976 Porsche 912 on Google photos https://photos.app.goo.gl/mrNJWzcrtBgaoTs49 photos of a 1969 Porsche 912 on Google photos https://photos.app.goo.gl/bs8QLpJcm4fkEYg17 Cars on the way to Bremen (at the end of November) Possibility of clearance at the buyer's expense. The cars are my property and have Canadian registration certificates in my name. The previous owner invested a lot of money in renovation. All the sheet metal is sound. 2.2 engine from the Porsche 911. Please view all photos.