1975' Volvo 245 photo #1
1975' Volvo 245 photo #2
1975' Volvo 245 photo #3
1975' Volvo 245 photo #4
1975' Volvo 245 photo #5
1975' Volvo 245 photo #6
6 photos

1975' Volvo 245

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Published 17 March 2024ID: SwpM9y
9 months ago

Information from the owner

Body: Wagon
Age: 49 years
Mileage: 300000 km
Displacement: 2100 cc
Transmission: Manual

Seller's comments about 1975' Volvo 245

Volvo 245, complete car, starts, moves around the square. Registered in the country, valid third party liability insurance. Car to be rebuilt.
Private offer, sale only, I am not interested in exchange

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