1942' Willys Americar 37230 photo #1
1942' Willys Americar 37230 photo #2
1942' Willys Americar 37230 photo #3
1942' Willys Americar 37230 photo #4
1942' Willys Americar 37230 photo #5
1942' Willys Americar 37230 photo #6
1942' Willys Americar 37230 photo #7
7 photos

1942' Willys Americar 37230

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Published 23 September 2023ID: QqSbhT
1 year, 2 months ago

Information from the owner

Body: 2 doors
Condition: Excellent
Age: 81 years
Mileage: 314377 km
Power: 176 hp
Displacement: 2400 cc
Fuel: Petrol
Transmission: Manual, 3 gears

Seller's comments about 1942' Willys Americar 37230

Ford WILLYS GPW dark green, station wagon, made in the USA. FORD concern. 2.4 petrol, 314377 mileage. Call, write, I will answer everything
Viber +375336929949

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