1951' Douglas mark 5 photo #1

1951' Douglas mark 5

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Published 4 August 2022ID: PthNSe
2 years, 6 months ago

Information from the owner

Mileage:4828 km

Seller's comments about 1951' Douglas mark 5

this bike is in very good condition and has a current v5 .
this bike is a very good example of a very respected make with very clean paintwork and a rebuilt engine which was rebuilt in2002 and stripped and reassembled in 2017.
the bike comes with boxes of spares such as
magnetos, spare carburetors, pistons, and much more enough to fill a tea chest.
the bike has been garaged for 20 years and has been run on a regular basis.
we have all the photographs of the rebuild and many of the bills for parts purchased.
you will see from the photos the actual condition and these bikes are becoming harder to find each year.

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