1947' Buick Roadmaster Fastback Coupe photo #1

1947' Buick Roadmaster Fastback Coupe

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Veröffentlicht 8 Januar 2017ID: ixGzsq
8 Jahre, 1 Monat her

Information from the owner

Karosserie: Coupé
Alter: 70 Jahre

Verkäuferkommentare zu 1947' Buick Roadmaster Fastback Coupe

Left hand drive.

Buick Roadmaster Coupe Fastback year 1947.
8 cylinder (straight), 5.2L.
Manual transmission 3 speed.
Good condition.
In storage last 7 years.
Start and drive.
22.700 euro as stated (18,995GBP http://www.xe.com 27-7-2016).

I can arrange shipping to any country at cost.

Calls or text messages 7 days a week.
If send email please must write name and mobile phone, thanks.

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