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1970' Honda CB 250 K2

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Veröffentlicht 28 November 2019ID: R3KJtJ
5 Jahre, 2 Monate her

Information from the owner

Kilometerstand:12000 km

Verkäuferkommentare zu 1970' Honda CB 250 K2

Honda CB 250cc K2 motorcycle for sale,TO HEAVY FOR ME NOW,IT was rebuilt to a good standard, been unused for a while, will need a service, rare bike now,give me a call and come and have a look.i also have a very nice CG 125cc for sale in excellent running condition call me for the price of the CG125, i have not been able to take any photos of the bikes yet,i will do so as soon as possible, the picture you see is a library picture of the same model of my CB250,only my one is gold and cream.

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