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1909' Peniche Freycinet

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Veröffentlicht 29 November 2018ID: ZuXgok
6 Jahre, 2 Monate her

Information from the owner


Verkäuferkommentare zu 1909' Peniche Freycinet

Freycinet barge for sale in France. Boatshed Paris is pleased to offer this 34m long barge in the north region of Paris, 30min away from Charles De Gaulle airport. This live aboard barge has got a lot of potential for a family. Certificat Communautaire in process. Last surveyed in August 2016. Old boatman's cabin is on need of a total restoration and could make a great separate studio. More potential in the unused spaces in the forward of the boat. Ideally, this live aboard barge could be used as a floating home, a pieds-à-terre in France or as an artist "loft" 1 hour away from Paris. For more information or organise a visit, please contact Pascal GAETAN, your local broker at Boatshed Paris. These boat details are subject to contract. Note: Offers on the asking price may be considered. Visit our website for the full specifications of this boat with up to 100 photos, videos and virtual reality images.

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