1970' Riva photo #1
1970' Riva photo #2
2 fotos

1970' Riva

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Publicado 7 abril 2017ID: EWES2Q
hace 7 años, 10 meses

Information from the owner


Comentarios del vendedor sobre 1970' Riva

Since 1984 Baum & König has paid the utmost attention to classic yachts. Yachts with a history and a vita are built predominantly out of the most beautiful boatbuilding material: wood.

Today where it is only rare to see a yacht from a master craftsmans' hand and common to see the outcome of industrial workflow rationalization, yachts with classic lines take every spectator´s breath away. More than any other vessel a classic yacht is a lifetime investment. An investment which in the course of time does not lose but gains in value .

Baum & König is a member of the Robbe & Berking family ( www.classics.robbeberking.de , www.robbeberking.com ), and our headquarter is an essential part of the “Robbe & Berking Yachting Heritage Centre” where we present our whole portfolio and also run the “Baum & König Yacht Humidor” with some 800m2.
The all-new Baum & König Yacht Humidor will have an area of 800m² and will give our clients the possibility to display their yachts and boats in a climate controlled facility embedded in an extraordinary atmosphere. Not only potential buyers will have the chance to experience selected listings next to the Yachting Heritage Centre, but all visitors of the Centre will have access to the Yacht Humidor to get inspired.

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