Replica Car Show Has Some (Surprisingly) Decent Builds

3 years, 5 months ago - 20 September 2021, motor1
Replica Car Show Has Some (Surprisingly) Decent Builds
Check out the finest Faux-rraris and "Cobras".

It's easy to be dismissive about replicas and kit cars. They're usually a source of derision and the scores of badly done versions floating around the internet just prove the stereotype. Still, that doesn't stop people from enjoying these kinds of cars. There are even shows that celebrate these replicas.

The most recent one was the Stoneleigh National Kit Car Show in England. It was covered by Youtuber, AdamC3046 and he stuck to the exhibition's theme as well. He went there with his own Cobra replica, a Dax Tojeiro. In all fairness, Adam's "Cobra" looks pretty well built. At the same time, there are some rather "interesting" kit cars entering the show. Some are hilarious, but others can fool the casual observer.

Yes, there are are a lot of Faux-rarris and other Toyota MR-2-based creations out there, but some were truly impressive. You only know it's a replica because it made an appearance at the show. Of course, there's still the oddly proportioned model there, but it was a pretty impressive display as a whole.

Highlights? There are several. There were two rather well-built Lamborghini replicas. One is a Countach kit car that's as close as it gets to the original model. The same goes for a certain yellow "Diablo", complete with a gated shifter.

But the best replica in the show according to Adam was the Porsche 911 GT3. At first glance, it looks like any other 911 GT3 RS, but you'll need an eagle eye to catch it out as a pretender. If you look at the effort that was poured into it, this is no backyard kit car build done with a hodgepodge of parts.

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