1970' Chevrolet Chevelle photo #1
1970' Chevrolet Chevelle photo #2
1970' Chevrolet Chevelle photo #3
1970' Chevrolet Chevelle photo #4
1970' Chevrolet Chevelle photo #5
1970' Chevrolet Chevelle photo #6
6 photos

1970' Chevrolet Chevelle

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Published 4 June 2024ID: PQjP77
6 months, 2 weeks ago

Information from the owner

Body: Sports Car
Age: 54 years
Mileage: 1496 km
Fuel: Petrol
Transmission: Automatic

Seller's comments about 1970' Chevrolet Chevelle

We are selling a completely redesigned Chevelle. 
The conversion costs are over 40,000.-
The engine delivers over 500 horsepower.
In terms of chassis technology, the driving behavior has nothing to do with how it was back then.
Hammer sound!
The pictures speak for themselves!

This vehicle is intended for foreign sales. Vehicle is not typed!

If your interest is piqued, make an appointment today and visit us - very close to the 22nd district!

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