Seller's comments about 1937' Chrysler Royal Project
1937 Chrysler royal project
Back around 35 years ago Dad and his family were on their way to western MA for a long weekend vacation. On the way through Hartford, on the outskirts, they went past an old, nearly abandoned, gas station and sitting out front was the car you see in this ad. A 1937 Chrysler Royal. She was all together, not bungee corded in place like she was for these photos. Dad stopped and got the number and when they got to their destination, he called. On their way home, he bought the car and drove her home. He puttered around with her, cleaning her up and getting her running better and one of his sons was prepping to use her to take he and his date to the prom. The car wasn't ready enough in Dad's mind, so he used another car. Then Dad decided she deserved to be restored, not kept together with shoestring and bailing wire. He started taking her apart and his OCD regarding all the labeling of the parts will do the next conservator well in reassembling her when the rest of the work is completed. I cannot guarantee that all the parts needed to reassemble her are there, however, if I were a gambling man, I'd go with Yes. He got her disassembled, got some parts cleaned, painted and ready to reinstall, ordered new parts, had the big flathead 6 rebuilt and was prepping the body for it's work. Unfortunately, what I describe didn't take place over a year or so, but a good chunk of that 35 years since it was purchased. Now Dad is no longer able to work on her and the sons, despite their sentimental desire to "finish the project" have numerous reasons why that is unfeasible. The family has decided it's time to move her on to a new home where she can hopefully be finished and put back on the road again.
As you'll see in the photos, she's a very solid car, with some rust/minor perforations but nothing that isn't fixable.
There is a complete, new wiring harness for her, the glass is all in very good condition, there is also a new muffler and generator. Many pieces have been reconditioned by Dad. The aforementioned rebuilt engine was sealed and turns.
The interior will need the most work in my opinion, while the seats can be sat on, they're a bit brittle and are probably the original seats/material. The door cards and other panels are all shot but are still usable for patterns. The kids think that the transmission may have been rebuilt as well.
With the fact the paint is original on her, one might be tempted to simply reassemble and get her running and driving, finishing the restoration of all the mechanical bits.
The choice is up to you.
Will you take her home?
The asking price is $5200
Any questions, for several hundred additional photos, to schedule a time to see her in person or to make an offer, please don't hesitate to contact me.