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The trustee in bankruptcy of a natural person not running a business announces the sale (as part of a competition of offers) of the ownership of a FORD TAUNUS passenger car - a historic one for renovation Additional information about the subject of sale (technical condition, additional photos) and the regulations of the tender competition will be made available on request via e-mail: Inspection is possible after making an appointment by phone The vehicle is located in Oborniki Wielkopolskie STARTING PRICE: The starting price of the Vehicle is PLN 6,500 (say: six thousand five hundred zlotys). Sales are not subject to VAT. HOW TO SUBMIT OFFERS: The condition for participation in the tender competition is to submit an offer in accordance with the requirements set out below. 1. Offers can be submitted via: a) sending a written offer by registered mail to the address of the Receiver's office: Restructuring Advisor adw. Zuzanna Tatkowska ul. Cieszkowskiego 9/1 85-052 Bydgoszcz (in this case, the envelope should include the note "COMPETITION OFFER" - Dodge "Ford Taunus"), or b) submitting a written offer directly to the Receiver's office, Monday to Friday, from 09.00 to 17.00 (in this case, the offer should be placed in a closed envelope with the note "COMPETITION OFFER - Dodge "Ford Taunus"), or c) sending a scan of the written offer via e-mail to the e-mail address: (as an attachment to the message) - in this case, the message should be titled "COMPETITION OFFER - Dodge "Ford Taunus". 2. The offer, under penalty of rejection, should include: a) details of the person submitting the offer: – company and legal form of the bidder, and in the case of a natural person not running a business, the name and surname of the bidder; – the registered office and registered address of the bidder, and in the case of a natural person not running a business, the place and address of the bidder's residence; – KRS number or NIP (if there is none, KRS number), and in the case of a natural person not running a business, the tenderer's PESEL number; – telephone number and e-mail address for contact (if the bidder has them); b) designation of the subject of the offer (the Vehicle for the purchase of which the offer is submitted); c) the offered purchase price of the Vehicle, which cannot be lower than the starting price; d) declarations by the tenderer that: – has read the regulations of the competition for offers for the purchase of the Vehicle and accepts the conditions specified therein without reservations; – has become familiar with the factual and legal status of the Vehicle as well as its description and estimate and does not raise any objections in this regard; – if the Receiver chooses his offer, he undertakes to enter into the Vehicle sales contract and cover all fees, costs and taxes related to the transfer of ownership of the Vehicle and its collection. e) date and signature of the bidder or signatures of persons authorized to represent the bidder who is not a natural person. 3. The offer must also include: a) all permits and consents to purchase the Vehicle, if they are required by law due to the person or company of the bidder; b) in the case of acting through a proxy - a document granting power of attorney to represent the bidder in the tender competition. 4. Offers should be submitted by March 11, 2024, with the reservation that the offer must be received by the specified date at the Receiver's office or at the Receiver's e-mail address (the date of receipt, not the date of sending the offer, is decisive). 5. Offers received by the Trustee after the deadline specified above, even if they were posted (sent) before that date, as well as offers that do not meet at least one of the formal requirements specified in point. 2 and 3 above will not be considered. 7. If the Receiver receives more than one offer that meets the formal requirements within the set deadline, the Receiver will conduct an auction (auction). ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 1. The trustee reserves the right, at any stage of the proceedings and without giving a reason, to withdraw from the sale or close the competition of offers, including the auction (auction) without selecting any of the offers. 2. Sales made in bankruptcy proceedings have the effects of enforcement sales. The provisions regarding sales made in enforcement proceedings are regulated in Art. 864 et seq. Code of Civil Procedure. The buyer is not entitled to any claims under the warranty (exclusion of liability under the warranty regarding the sale of ownership rights to movable property). 3. This announcement is only commercial information and does not constitute an offer within the meaning of the Civil Code.