1972' Gaz 69 photo #1
1972' Gaz 69 photo #2
1972' Gaz 69 photo #3
1972' Gaz 69 photo #4
1972' Gaz 69 photo #5
1972' Gaz 69 photo #6
6 photos

1972' Gaz 69

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Published 5 December 2023ID: xQNkew
1 year ago

Information from the owner

Body: Convertible
Age: 51 years
Mileage: 50000 km
Displacement: 1600 cc
Fuel: Diesel
Transmission: Manual
Exterior: New Tires

Seller's comments about 1972' Gaz 69

Gaz 69 car for sale.
Car in good condition, converted according to my own design.
VW 1.6 turbo diesel engine 75 HP from Volkswagen. Light and powerful engine. Works great in this car.
There is not as much weight at the front as with other large engines.
Beetle gearbox 4 + original gas reducer.
A mechanical differential is installed in the rear axle.
Cool sound system and seats from a Mercedes SLK.
Heater, CB radio, nice wide rims, Puma off-road tires, rear benches.
The car is registered for 6 people.
For many years I used it for recreational riding with a group of friends, but as we all know, everything comes to an end.
A car worth your attention. It is a lot of fun to use. He's not busy.

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