1974' MG MGB photo #1
1974' MG MGB photo #2
1974' MG MGB photo #3
1974' MG MGB photo #4
1974' MG MGB photo #5
1974' MG MGB photo #6
6 photos

1974' MG MGB

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Published 5 August 2024ID: AqhhQs
4 months, 2 weeks ago

Information from the owner

Body: Convertible
Age: 50 years
Mileage: 46000 km
Displacement: 1799 cc
Fuel: Petrol
Transmission: Manual
Exterior color: Red

Seller's comments about 1974' MG MGB

Complete restoration in 2020/2021 with total disassembly and painting in Damask red (original reference 1973) During the restoration, the suspensions and arms were dismantled and revised with a complete set of new polyurethane rubbers. Revised brake circuits and new rubber piping, revised water circulation system with new radiator piping and fan belt. At engine level, the clutch kit and valve seats were opened, revised and replaced to support 95 gasoline ( Electrically, the wiring was revised, new horns, new alternator, electronic ignition, spark plugs, spark plug wires and new coil. 15” wheels with revised splines and new tires in 2022. If interested, please contact us by phone. Thanks

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