1954' MG TF photo #1
1954' MG TF photo #2
1954' MG TF photo #3
1954' MG TF photo #4
1954' MG TF photo #5
5 photos

1954' MG TF

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Published 5 February 2023ID: y4nxWm
1 year, 10 months ago

Information from the owner

Age: 69 years
Exterior color: White

Seller's comments about 1954' MG TF

MGTF 1500 - originally exported to California and brought back 4 years ago. Complete nuts and bolts restoration - new timbers, some panels loom interior etc etc.
Now running with 1979 MG midget 1500 engine and box
Finished in old English white with new chrome all round.

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