Published 12 June 2017 Updated 12 June 2017ID: zelffQ
Expired 7 years, 9 months ago
Information from the owner
Age: 82 years
Exterior color: Black
Seller's comments about 1935' Rolls-Royce 20/25
An unusual, interesting & spacious saloon with various appealing interior features, & in fascinating ‘oily rag’ condition, named 'Quirky' by the last owner, who bought the car from us in 2013. The car is very sound & correct, tall in design, perhaps intended for wearing top hats! The interior, which has been very sensitively refurbished, incorporates buttoned ‘Morocco Fawn’ leather seating, broad lace, cord and rosette ornamentation, grab handles and a very large sunroof all of which are original and documented. Externally, the car benefits from twin side mounted spare wheels, a set of six 'Ace' wheel discs, a correct set of lamps & horns, and quarter bumpers to the rear, all of which add character. Still in its original dark green & black colour scheme, shabby but very appealing. A great car to use cosmetically 'as is.
Chassis No. GSF58 Reg No. AKD 796
Snippets: The Bottle Shop & Operation Musketeer Ordered by John Schofield Cannington of No. 1 Windermere Terrace, Princes Park, Liverpool; the Park was designed in 1842 by Joseph Paxton, who had been head gardener at Chatsworth House and in 1851 had designed the venue for the Great Exhibition in London - Crystal Palace – for which he was knighted. In 1866 Edwin Cannington (John’s father), John Shaw & John Cannington became partners in the Cannington & Shaw Bottle Shop & in 1913 the firm merged with Nuttall & Co to form the “United Glass Bottle Manufacturers”. After the death of John Cannington in 1955 it would appear that GSF58 was acquired by Captain Hector Charles Donald MacLean - he commanded HMS Eagle during the Suez crisis (1956/1957) during Operation Musketeer (The Anglo-French plan to invade and capture the Suez Canal zone) received a personal letter of congratulation by Mountbatten of Burma (1st Sea Lord). During WWII Capt McLean served on HMS Cossack, HMS Ark Royal (sunk in 1941) & HMS Anson. The 3rd owner of GSR58 was J M Salt of Lyndcroft Gardens in Ewell (the name comes from Aewiell - “The Spring at the Head of the River), in 1538 Henry VIII built “Nonsuch Palace” as a celebration of his 30 years of reign, it was demolished in 1670.