1971' Morris Mini photo #1
1971' Morris Mini photo #2
2 foto

1971' Morris Mini

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Veröffentlicht 29 Juli 2020ID: jn5rvB
4 Jahre, 4 Monate her

Information from the owner

Alter: 49 Jahre

Verkäuferkommentare zu 1971' Morris Mini

This car is a replica of my 1970 rally car, which won the Welsh International Rally and a string of rally championships. I built the original in 1969 and fully documented the build in "Car and Car Conversions" magazine. Development continued throughout the 1970 rally season, and this car has all the results of that development.It is a faithful copy, using a specially made bodyshell, with all the strengthening as per the original, with a Arder cylinder head as per the original. The engine is built for torque, and gives about 130bhp. I built this car myself, and have tested it for about 100 miles. Livery is the same, but without the"CCC" advertising, which is not permitted for modern Historic rallying.

Will Sparrow

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