1957' Morris Minor photo #1
1957' Morris Minor photo #2
1957' Morris Minor photo #3
1957' Morris Minor photo #4
1957' Morris Minor photo #5
5 photos

1957' Morris Minor

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Publié 25 Octobre 2017
Mis à jour 25 Octobre 2017
ID: xiEp3U
il y a 6 années, 7 mois

Information from the owner

Âge: 60 années

Commentaires du vendeur sur 1957' Morris Minor

We ask the interested parties to consult the prices of the cars on our website, The price of ( The car) is €7500
The £ price is indicative. Please check current exchange rates.

This vehicle can be seen and collected in Alcacer do Sal in Portugal.

The price does not include transportation or export, unless otherwise indicated

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