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Publicado 14 Fevereiro 2017ID: tDB4b4
Expirado 7 years, 9 months atrás
Information from the owner
Idade: 80 anos
Comentários do vendedor sobre 1937' Austin Austin 7 Seven Boattail Ulster
The Austin 7 is an economy car that was produced from 1922 until 1939 in the United Kingdom by Austin. At that time it was one of the most popular cars produced for the British market and sold well abroad. Its effect on the British market was similar to that of the Model T Ford in the US, replacing most other British economy cars. It was also licensed and copied by companies all over the world. The very first BMW car, the BMW Dixi, was a licensed Austin 7, as were the original American Austins. In France they were made and sold as Rosengarts. In Japan Nissan also used the 7 design as the basis for their first cars. This car has Dutch Papers.