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Publicado 15 Outubro 2019ID: HFPTaT
Expirado 5 years atrás
Information from the owner
Idade: 71 anos
Eletrónica: Rádio AM/FM
Comentários do vendedor sobre 1948' Buick 56S Sedanette Fast Back
Imported car from Minesotta three years ago Has a Cadillac 429ci V8 fitted, Camaro front clip,disc brakes,power steering, 10 bolt rear end, radio, original dash, seat frames re-upholstered in USA Air con as well. body and chassis in really good shape car runs very well (nearly as good as my Merc) Give me a ring and come and have a look!! Price £16.250.00 (Offers considered possible swoops W H Y?