1979' Jeep Grand Wagoneer photo #1
1979' Jeep Grand Wagoneer photo #2
1979' Jeep Grand Wagoneer photo #3
1979' Jeep Grand Wagoneer photo #4
4 fotos

1979' Jeep Grand Wagoneer

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Publicado 14 Maio 2017ID: jxXK8d
7 years, 7 months atrás

Information from the owner

Idade: 38 anos
Interior: Ar Condicionado

Comentários do vendedor sobre 1979' Jeep Grand Wagoneer

Specifications: V8 engine with a displacement of 5.9 liters and a power of 241 hp coupled with an automatic transmission. The vehicle has an air conditioning, electric windows and all-wheel drive

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