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Publicado 4 Outubro 2018ID: 5HFNfu
Expirado 6 years atrás
Information from the owner
Idade: 70 anos
Eletrónica: Rádio AM/FM
Comentários do vendedor sobre 1948' Plymouth Deluxe P15 Deluxe Sedan
Purchased at auction 7 years ago and since restored with considerable work done. Much money spent to ensure authenticity, bills available. This police package is rare and the car was on the show circuit in America prior to UK import. Working dome lamp and siren. Original Motorola 2 way radio. Good tyres including spare. Handbook, some spares and manuals included. Dry stored, dry driver. New battery, period fuel tank, re-cored radiator etc. Starts on the button. Parts easily available. Genuine reason for sale. Genuine enquiries only, please ask for a detailed information sheet