1961' Volkswagen Beetle photo #1
1961' Volkswagen Beetle photo #2
1961' Volkswagen Beetle photo #3
3 fotos

1961' Volkswagen Beetle

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Publicado 9 Janeiro 2017ID: sbIY4e
7 years, 11 months atrás

Information from the owner

Idade: 56 anos

Comentários do vendedor sobre 1961' Volkswagen Beetle

Volkswagen Beetle Bug 1961.

Very solid car, running, docs available, some imperfections on the previous restoration.
No nasty rust.
Needs some small work.

Shiiping can be sorted through, Pierce Recovery And Breakdown Services, based at the UK, at buyers costs.
Any info about the seller you may contact the shiiping company above, and ask info about Alex.

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