1934' Rolls-Royce photo #1
1934' Rolls-Royce photo #2
1934' Rolls-Royce photo #3
3 foto

1934' Rolls-Royce

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Veröffentlicht 20 März 2017ID: 2N9a5R
8 Jahre her

Information from the owner

Alter: 83 Jahre
Außenfarbe: Schwarz

Verkäuferkommentare zu 1934' Rolls-Royce

Rolls Royce Barker sedanca de ville 1934
In stunning condition probably the best on sale.
A possible concours winner .i
In need of finishing rebuild
upholstery,and a small amount of wood.
Most of the wood work has been done and renovated and is original lace wood with mother of peal inlay all clocks and lights have been renovated. engine,Rad,axle,leafspring.socks,brakes one lube oil.
Black paint £20000 respray.
This really is a serious motor.
Looking in the region of £80000 but try an offer looking to sell.It has taken £120,000 to get this far of the restoration .

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