1959' Gilera GILERA EXTRA 175cc photo #1

1959' Gilera GILERA EXTRA 175cc

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Publicado 25 enero 2018ID: BSYuSY
hace 7 años

Information from the owner


Comentarios del vendedor sobre 1959' Gilera GILERA EXTRA 175cc

An extremely original up and running 1959 Gilera 175cc Extra for use as is or very easy restoration.
Everything is in good working order (apart from old tyres) including the electrics and all parts are original except for a pattern horn.
Engine is sound not smoking and quiet. clutch and gears operating well.
The exhaust pipe and silencer have recently been rechromed.
Very pretty bike and great to ride.
UK registered with V5C no Road Tax or MOT required.

I can arrange delivery for between £80 -£100 within England or free within 20 miles of Gatwick Airport except within London emission Zone my vans too old

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