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Publicado 4 Dezembro 2019ID: C03Yfb
Expirado 5 years, 3 months atrás
Information from the owner
Idade: 70 anos
Cor exterior: Azul
Comentários do vendedor sobre 1949' Riley RMC
This 3 seater RMC Roadstar features dark blue exterior with red leather interior. The RMC is a 2-door Roadster Version with 100 hp allowing for top Speed of 161 km/h. Between 1948 and 1950 only 507 RMC cars were built; this one is one of the first 121 cars still built in Coventry. A thorough restauration was executed 30 years back, Motor, gearbox, Chassis and exterior ar in excellent condition; seats in original leather. The front windscreen can be tilted downwards the car has Veteran Status in Switzerland - an indication of exellent shape and original condition.