1953' Jaguar Xk120 photo #1

1953' Jaguar Xk120

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Publicado 7 Fevereiro 2021ID: 9PAW4A
3 years, 10 months atrás

Information from the owner

Corpo: Cupé
Idade: 68 anos

Comentários do vendedor sobre 1953' Jaguar Xk120

Imperial War Museum Duxford, 14th April 2021

Estimate £60,000 - £70,000

Registration No: GVL 65
Chassis No: S669087
MOT: Exempt

Current family ownership since 1968
UK Home market special equipment example
Matching chassis and engine numbers
Restored in the early 1990's
Converted from a fixed-head coupe to an open two seater

For more information, please contact:
James McWilliam

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