1927' Austin Heavy 12/4 Windsor Saloon photo #1
1927' Austin Heavy 12/4 Windsor Saloon photo #2
1927' Austin Heavy 12/4 Windsor Saloon photo #3
3 foto

1927' Austin Heavy 12/4 Windsor Saloon

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Veröffentlicht 4 September 2018
Aktualisiert 4 September 2018
ID: 0TXOmd
6 Jahre, 5 Monate her

Information from the owner

Alter: 91 Jahre

Verkäuferkommentare zu 1927' Austin Heavy 12/4 Windsor Saloon

1927 austin heavy 12/4 windsor saloon in exceptional original condition. Fantastic history only two owners in ninety one years. Last owner purchased car in 1961. original leather interior original paint work but faded and crazed in parts well cared for car. Straight and unmolested. Rear luggage carrier. Unique chance to purchase such a vehicle. Austin tools. Door key, v5 and buff log book.
smallbone and son cars
0121 472 7139

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