1953' Triumph TR2 Tr 2 photo #1
1953' Triumph TR2 Tr 2 photo #2
1953' Triumph TR2 Tr 2 photo #3
1953' Triumph TR2 Tr 2 photo #4
4 foto

1953' Triumph TR2 Tr 2

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Veröffentlicht 10 April 2017ID: YqWRTK
7 Jahre, 11 Monate her

Information from the owner

Karosserie: Sportwagen
Alter: 64 Jahre
Außenfarbe: Weiß
Außenseite: Tonneau Abdeckung

Verkäuferkommentare zu 1953' Triumph TR2 Tr 2

The Geneva Motor Show of March 1953 saw the launch of the all new Triumph TR2 sports car.  The TR2 was developed from the one and only TR1 with the experimental chassis number X505. The design of the TR1 was rejected because the rear end treatment known as the bobtail which included an exposed spare wheel and was felt not to be quite right.  The third prototype TR2, X519, with the revised body, was demonstrated on the 20th May 1953 at the Jabbeke motorway in Belgium where it achieved (with a metal tonneau, no windscreen and a metal undershield) a mean speed in excess of 124mph.  In all, five prototypes were produced, including the original TR1. The new Triumph TR2 sports car was soon in great demand. Its performance, reliability, availability and low price meant that it competed well against the contemporary rivals of the period.  It was fitted with a four cylinder in line 1991cc iron block engine, developed from the Standard Vanguard unit.  The little sports car was capable of over 100mph and proved to be extremely economical, returning over 30 mpg.  The TR2 was also successful in competition winning many accolades including, amongst many, the team prize in the Alpine Rally at their first outing and 27th overall at the Mille Miglia beating many Ferraris.  Built with a traditional chassis and pressed steel bodies, the chassis from numbers TS1 to TS1400 were produced by Triumph at the factory and thereafter these chassis were produced by Sankeys with the body shells made by Mulliners Ltd, Birmingham.
On offer today is a rare opportunity to acquire a very early example of the marque with a Triumph factory chassis.  With the chassis number TS152, this car was manufactured on the 30th November 1953 as stated on the British Motor Industry Heritage Trust Certificate and is a UK home market righthand drive model.  Specified with the interior trim as grey (leather) this TR also has the rare and unusual wicker trim (sometimes known as 'metric') that was fitted to only very early TR2s and again on early TR3s.  Having an Essex registration number, it is interesting to note that according to a letter from Bill Piggott (Triumph TR historian) that this car was the first TR to be registered in Essex on the 12th December 1953.  Originally black, this car at some period within its life was re-painted in white; however, during restoration works between 2001/2 the original black coachwork was reinstated as may be seen by the photographic record within the history file.  This restoration was carried out by the respected company Pollandines of Frinton, Essex.  There are also a large amount of bills regarding mechanical work including the engine and trim; in fact the history file is one of the most comprehensive seen in a long while.  Accompanying the car is a first edition 'Triumph Sports Car Instruction Book' for the TR2 from 1953-4 priced at five shillings.  There is also a first edition workshop manual as well as a useful TR2 & 3 lubrication chart and the original buff log book.  The remains of the original chassis plate may also be found within the file.  There is a tool kit that includes a starting handle, tyre pump, wheel brace, boot key and the ultra rare long shaft vehicle jack that is not only rare but was also only found on early cars. Also fitted to the car are the early and rare square type rear lights.  A vehicle inspection report by Classic Car Inspections dated 14th October 2002 reports; "The subject car is well within the top 10 cars I've reported".
Today XTW 191 looks very handsome with straight black coachwork with contrasting grey trim and classic disc wheels.  On closer inspection you may see how strong the restoration has been because this car is still in excellent condition ten years after restoration.  With prices of TRs and especially early cars of the marque strengthening, this must be a truly ideal opportunity for the real enthusiast and collector, especially with such an attractive estimate.  An MoT certificate and road fund licence means that the lucky new owner of this rare, early TR2 may enjoy her immediately.
In 2013 participated in the MILLE MIGLIA
Price euros 80.000,00

Il Salone di Ginevra del marzo 1953 ha visto il lancio della nuova vettura sportiva Triumph TR2. Il TR2 è stato sviluppato a partire dal solo e unico esemplare TR1 con il numero di telaio sperimentale X505. Con il numero di telaio TS152, questa vettura è stata prodotta il 30 novembre 1953, come indicato sul British Motor Industry Heritage Trust Certificate mantiene ancora la sua targa inglese di prima immatricolazione ed è una dei primissimi modelli realizzati. Il rivestimento interno dei sedili è grigio (pelle) e questo TR ha anche il cruscotto di vinile raro e insolito (noto anche come “metric”) che è stato montato solo nei primi TR2 e di nuovo sulle prime Tr3. E' interessante notare che, secondo una lettera di Bill Piggott (famoso storico Triumph TR che ha realizzato diversi libri sull'argomento) che questa vettura è stato il primo TR immatricolato in Essex il 12 dicembre 1953. La lettera, scritta in originale fa parte della documentazione della vettura. Ad accompagnare l'auto è una prima edizione del libretto di istruzioni per “Triumph Sports Car TR2 1953-4” venduto all'epoca al prezzo di cinque scellini. Vi è poi un kit di strumenti che comprende una leva per l'avviamento esterno che non solo è rara, ma era fornita solo con i primi modelli prodotti, una pompa per gonfiaggio pneumatici. Sulla vetture sono montate le luci posteriori il tipo quadrato prime e rare cosi come i cerchi ormai introvabili. Un rapporto di controllo del veicolo effettuato da “Classic Car Inspections” del 14 ottobre 2002 riporta che “La vettura oggetto della verifica è una delle migliori 10 auto da noi verificata”. Un pezzo da collezione che può partecipare alla prossima Mille Miglia a cui ha già preso parte nel 2013
Prezzo euro 80.000

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