1928' Sunbeam 16Hp Weymann Saloon photo #1
1928' Sunbeam 16Hp Weymann Saloon photo #2
1928' Sunbeam 16Hp Weymann Saloon photo #3
1928' Sunbeam 16Hp Weymann Saloon photo #4
1928' Sunbeam 16Hp Weymann Saloon photo #5
5 foto

1928' Sunbeam 16Hp Weymann Saloon

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Veröffentlicht 30 Juni 2019ID: NWyGma
5 Jahre, 5 Monate her

Information from the owner

Alter: 91 Jahre

Verkäuferkommentare zu 1928' Sunbeam 16Hp Weymann Saloon

1928 Sunbeam 16hp Weymann Saloon

In the current ownership for a 2nd time – the owner states “this car is that good”

Fabric body re-clothed by none other than Mike Thomas some years ago - and still in excellent condition

Seen on our website - see link above

Smooth 6-cylinder with impressive torque – as demonstrated yesterday – from 5mph in top gear. Hardly notices hills within the car’s normal cruising range of 50mph – all from 2,040 cc

Engine rebuilt by a previous owner. Photos on file

Owned by the well-known vintage car dealer David Howard of Ranvilles Farm Romsey some years ago.

Retains amazing original interior

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